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Buildings Programme

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The Buildings Programme was in place from 1 June 2006 to 31 December 2009. Over the course of its existence, almost 10‘000 projects were submitted, which requested total contributions of 205 million Swiss francs. Of these, around 9’500 were approved and granted total contributions of 200 million Swiss francs. Almost 500 projects had to be rejected because they did not meet either content-related or formal criteria. In the case of more than 800 of the approved projects, the contract was terminated by one of the contracting parties – either because the project had not been implemented by the set deadline of late 2010 or because the follow-up programme set up by the Swiss Confederation and the cantons proved more attractive to the owner. More than 400 of the approved projects did not receive any payment because it appeared when controlling final building accounts that they had not been carried out according to grant specifications.

8’219 projects were effectively carried out and received total funding of 176 million Swiss francs. Over the period 2008 to 2012, they yielded emission reductions of 212‘000 tonnes of CO₂. Some of the projects were additionally funded by their host canton, yielding a further 18‘000 tonnes of CO₂ reductions that were claimed by the cantons.